Monday, September 28, 2015

Busy week...and two tests!

Another busy week is upon us!  This is what's going on in Room 25 this week:

Language Arts

Word Study
This week's words are all homophones.  Homophones are words that sound the same, but are spelled differently.  We will be doing some fun activities during the week with these types of words along with the daily Word Study work during center time.  Remember to review the meaning of these words, as well as the spelling throughout the week/weekend in preparation for next Monday's quiz. Normally spelling isn't a top priority with the words, but with homophones, the students need to know the spelling differences between the pairs.  Here are the words for the week.

We are focusing on plot structure and story elements this week.  Guided Reading is now fully-functioning int he classroom, so everyone will have a chance to meet with me at least three times a week during our Language Arts block to work on plot structure at their own reading level.  Attached is a graphic organizer we will be using this week to support this focus and strategies.  You may see one of these coming home this week to work on with a short reading passage.

We are finishing up our 5-paragraph persuasive essays this week and will be publishing them on Thursday and Friday.  In case you are interested and want to talk it over with your child, here is the article we are using as a foundation.

Social Studies
We are finally finishing up our Northeast Region chapter.  On Tuesday, the students will begin reviewing for the test that will be on Friday.  A review sheet will be coming home on Wednesday to help in preparation for the test.  Along with the study sheet, the kids will be making flashcards for centers.  These will come home Thursday for last-minute practicing and reviewing.  I will post the study sheet tomorrow when I get to school.

The Chapter 1 test is now scheduled for this Thursday.  During our math time this week, we will be reviewing skills and practicing vocabulary and strategies learned in the past five weeks.  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be big days for homework in order to review at home.  Below I have broken down the skills with additional practice websites and videos to help out at home.

  • Place Value - What is the value of the underlined digit? Here's an online quiz!
  • Writing Numbers - Can you write the number in standard, expanded, and word form?
  • Compare and Order - What number is highest? Lowest?  Can you order the numbers from greatest to least? A cool online challenge!
  • Rounding - Can you round the number to the underlined place value?
  • Renaming - How many __________ are in __________? Here's a fun survey to practice!
  • Adding Whole Numbers
  • Subtracting Whole Numbers - What do I do when I need to borrow?
  • Problem Solving - Can I add/subtract using the numbers in a word problem?  How do I know if I should add or subtract? A chart to help out!
I will send home progress reports this week to give you all an idea of how your child is doing in each subject (by Friday).  Make sure to let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Have a great week!

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