Last week we analyzed four different methods to multiply. Although I give the students choice to solve problems in the method that makes the most sense to them, I want to make sure that they are aware of how problems can be solved in other ways. The "powers-that-be" that create tests are always checking to make sure students can identify different ways to solve problems and calculate answers in a variety of ways. I am pleased to see that most of the students in my class have latched on to a method that works for them as well as understand other ways to figure out these problems (quizzes from Friday will come home tomorrow).
This week, we dive into using mental math strategies to solve multiplication problems. We will spend both Tuesday and Wednesday working on these four strategies. Again, these strategies are taught so the students can understand different ways to reach the same answer as a strategy that they already find comfortable. Click on the strategies and you can watch a tutorial of the lesson for Monday and Tuesday.
Keep in mind we only have 2 days of Math instruction this week due to Wednesday's early dismissal, my absence on Thursday, and Friday's Halloween festivities.
We are deep into our Science Unit of Animal and Plant Classification. This week we move from plant comparisons to animal classifications. Tomorrow there will be a study sheet going home that covers all information for the test on Friday. Here is a copy in case your child "misplaces" theirs.
Language Arts
Word Study
This week we focus on words with the /aw/ and /ou/ sound patterns. Students are now required to use the words in sentences on the test, so I am going to add sentences to homework on Thursday. Please check their sentences on Thursday to make sure they make sense. The test will be next Monday so we can have a little fun with a review game on Friday. Some students may have started/finished them in class. In this case, please just look them over and sign the bottom. Here is the list of words for the week.
Continuing the strategies from last week, we are continuing our study of character analysis this week.
This connects perfectly with the Character Project sent home last Friday that is due by October 30th (this Friday). I am allowing students to bring the project to me early throughout the week for conferencing and pointers for improvement. I look forward to seeing the final products this Friday.
Character trait writing will be a main focus this week and next as well. During our writing time this week, we will be writing an extended response focusing on how a character changes throughout the story. Here is the story we will be focusing on for the essay (pages 1, 2, 3, and 4)
As I stated earlier, I will not be at school on Thursday. Friday will still have instruction happening for the first half of the day. We will be finishing our essays, taking a Science Test, and reviewing Word Study. I look forward to a fun-filled party and parade on Friday afternoon! Have a great week!
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