Monday, April 11, 2016

It's Warming Up!

As the weather finally decides to warm up, so is Room 25.  We are warming up for a Math test on Friday, a writing assessment next week, and PARCC and MAP are around the corner!  Here is a break down of what's happening this week:

Language Arts
Last week we ended with a Unit Test over poetry.  After looking over the test this weekend, there are a few things I would like to review with the class this week before moving on.  With this being said, Tuesday we will be reviewing some of the key ideas and misunderstandings with poetry and we will have an additional quiz on Wednesday.  Thursday we will begin our unit on Cynthia Rylant.  This author study unit will focus on the writing styles of Cynthia Rylant, as well as comparing the themes, topics, ideas, and characters in many of her stories.

Word Study
This week's words revolve around the Latin Roots "geo" (earth), "auto" (self), "photo" (light), and "tele" (far).  The test will be next Monday, April 18th, and a take-home list will be sent home on Tuesday.  When studying at home, make sure to focus on the spelling, as well as meanings, synonyms, and using the words in sentences.  Here are the words for the week.

Since we will be finishing up Poetry Tuesday and Wednesday, we will add one more poem to our poetry portfolio, Haiku.  We were unable to get to this type of poem last week, so it will be a fun and challenging way to end the Poetry unit.  On Thursday and Friday we will work on persuasive writing  again.  We will also be dissecting our own essays in workshop to make sure we have all the components of a sufficiently PERSUASIVE essay.

Science/Social Studies
We will finish up our Human Body Unit this week by Wednesday.  Both days we will be constructing body models based on what we have learned so far about the major organs and systems that make up our bodies.  On Thursday we will begin our final Social Studies Unit, The West.  The unit will start with the geography of the western states (including some of the southwest states such as Texas, Oklahoma, Arizona, and New Mexico).  Look for a map coming home this week for studying the location and capitals of our final region in the United States.

This week we will finish Chapter 7: Add and Subtract Fractions with a final test on Friday.  The lessons this week will be broken down as follows:
  • Tuesday - Subtraction with Renaming - "Borrowing" with fractions (video from last week)
  • Wednesday - Adding Mixed numbers using the properties of Additions (with parentheses)
  • Thursday - Multi-Step Word Problems and Chapter Review
  • Friday - The Test!

As we draw closer to the end of the school year, testing season is upon us.  In an effort to keep you all informed, below are the dates that we will be completing State-wide, as well as district assessments:
  • Writing Assessment (district):  Tentatively scheduled for Thursday, April 23rd (after lunch)
  • PARCC Test (state) - Weeks of April 25-May 16 (3 English/LA Tests, 4 Math Tests).  Due to the classes sharing Chromebooks, the test is spread out over 3 weeks in order for all 3rd-5th grade students to complete the test.  Here is the upcoming schedule:
      • April 26 - ELA 1
      • April 28 - ELA 2
      • May 2 - ELA 3
      • May 4 - MATH 1
      • May 10 - MATH 2
      • May 11 - MATH 3
      • May 16 - MATH 4
    • MAP Test - Math and Reading (district) - Week of May 23
    Have a great week!  As always, let me know if you have any questions of concerns.

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