Tuesday, May 10, 2016

This week in Room 25

This week is a bit different in scheduling due to PARCC testing, the field trip, and the Walk-A-Thon on Friday.  Here is a breakdown of the week:

With our afternoons full this week due to testing and other activities, we will be working on math in the mornings on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Look for homework on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday involving the relationship between fractions and decimals.

Language Arts
Word Study
We will have our Work Study quiz on Wednesday this week.  Due to the oddly-scheduled week, we will not start a new list until next Tuesday,  The words for last week can be found here.

This week we are starting a whole-class novel, Sadako and a Thousand Paper Cranes.  We will use this text as a class to review character analysis, plot structure, conflict, theme, WWII history, and even some geography.  Look for the books to come home a few days this week the complete reading chapters we started in class (this can count for their nightly 20 minutes as well!).

Due to Math moving around and lack of time this week in the afternoons, Writing is being put on the back burner this week.  We will begin narratives next week based on what we have learned in Second Step this year.

Science/Social Studies
As a culminating activity to finish up our West Region unit in Social Studies, we will begin a Dam-building project on Friday that will last through the following week.  The students will plan and make a functioning dam using the information we have learned about how a dam works.  So, if your child comes home talking about their Dam Project, remember they are working on a model of a dam, not a project that they don't like!

In addition, here are a few reminders for the rest of the week:

  • PARCC testing continues on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons.  Our final test will be Monday, May 16th in the morning.
  • The field trip to the Chicago History Museum is Thursday, May 12th.  Make sure to send a lunch and non-glass drink (unless you have already paid for an Arbor lunch).
  • The North PTA Walk-A-Thon is Friday afternoon.  Our theme color for 4th grade is BLACK.
Have a great week and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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